
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 30:

Today is the official last day of the challenge.  It has been an interesting experiment and one that has had some pretty remarkable results.  In order to see how much the diet has impacted my body chemistry, today I scheduled a physical so that I can get my blood work done.  I have a reasonable baseline for my cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, and blood pressure from when I picked up some life insurance right before Annabelle was born.  My appointment is 8 days from today so I've decided to allow myself a slice or two of victory pizza tomorrow and then I will be back to sticking on the diet until the exam.  This only seems fair in the name of science :)

As far as foods today, I tried a new breakfast recipe: Chicken and Apple Hash.  This seemed like a good choice because I had some leftover chicken that was on the verge of going bad within the next day or two and I have been enjoying Chicken & Apple Sausage for breakfast for a great many days throughout the challenge.  The recipe was simple: dice the apple, shred the leftover (already cooked) chicken, cook in skillet with almond oil, add a dash of cinnamon when it is warm throughout and the apple has gotten a bit soft.

Dinner tonight was not terribly adventurous, I had some frozen salmon fillets thawing in the refrigerator as well as some nice fresh asparagus.  I decided to "bread" the salmon in a crust of almond flour and fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary, parsley) and spices (black pepper, garlic powder).  For the asparagus, I made more use of the fresh herbs.  I lined the asparagus up on a baking sheet and drizzled the spears with olive oil. I then dusted them with fresh herbs, a bit of kosher salt and pepper and let them roast in the oven.

You might be able to guess who helped eat the asparagus

Final Results:
Metrics and pictures tomorrow.

-Buy In-
Squat Clean Skill Work
Squat Cleans  135/95
Ring Dips
-Cash Out-
Muscle Up Progression

I completed this workout in 10:00.  I intended to use 105lbs for the weight, but I accidentally cheated and used only 95 :(.  Ah well, it was still a good workout so I can't complain.

Food Journal:
Breakfast Chicken & Apple Hash (you thought I was going to write Sausage, didn't you?)
               1/2 Mango
AM Snack: Leftover Acorn Squash Dessert 
Lunch: Final Remains of Paleo Pulled Pork
           1/2 Mango        
PM Snack: Carrot Sticks
Dinner: Salmon

8 hours

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