
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 of the challenge whizzed by.  Work has been insanely busy which is both a blessing and a curse.  Being booked to the gills is helpful in avoiding temptation, but it also limits the amount of time I have for meal planning and prep.  Suffice it to say, today I got a little bit lazy for my breakfast and lunch meals.  I ended up going with some old standbys for a veggie omelet for breakfast and the last of the chicken & apple sausages for lunch.

The really exciting news of the day is that today was the first day that I didn't get any headaches.  I must have consumed enough calories or I'm adapting to the diet soda vacancy in my diet. Either way, I consider it a small victory.

After work, I headed to the gym and did a 15 minute AMRAP - for those of you not familiar AMRAP stands for "As Many Rounds As Possible".  Each round consisted of front 5 front squats, 7 burpees and 9 box jumps.  I felt a bit tired and sluggish during the workout.  This could be me adapting to the diet, or perhaps I just need a good rest day.
Annabelle Adores Asparagus*

Dinner last night was a little more exciting that last night.  We prepared Robb Wolf's whitefish recipe.  It was pretty simple:

  • 1 lb of whitefish (we used flounder) 
  • 2 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped almonds 
Then simply slather the Dijon on the fillets and top with the almonds and bake.  I finished off the meal with some roasted asparagus with black pepper and thyme and a simple spinach salad.  Over all the recipe wasn't too bad.  The almond "breading" was quite good, but I think the mustard flavor was a bit too strong for the delicate flavor of the fish.  Next time, I think I'll just try using a little bit of olive oil and adding some herbs to the almond breading.

I'm still getting the hang of making food presentable for photographs

They will be posted tomorrow.  Be patient.  I know the wait must be excruciating.

-Buy In-
Squat Mobility

As Many Rounds As Possible In 15Min Of:
5 Front Squats  155/ 110
7 Burpees
9 Box Jumps 24/ 20
-Cash Out-
40 Back Extension

I completed 8 full rounds plus 5 squats and 1 burpee.  I used 115lbs for the front squats.

Food Journal
Breakfast: Veggie Omelet (2 eggs, spinach, mushrooms)
AM Snack: 3oz AlmondsLunch: 2 links of Chicken & Apple Sausage (left over from yesterday)
                  Carrot Sticks
PM Snack: Orange
Post Workout: 1 Whey Protein Shake
Dinner: Kentucky Fried Chicken
            6oz. Flounder with mustard and crushed almond crust
            Asparagus with black pepper and thyme
            Spinach with tarragon, oil, and vinegar
            1 cup Blueberries

Last night I slept for 8 hours.  Booyah!

*I just want to assure you that I'm not going to be one of those annoyingly doting fathers that post pictures of his little girl every day.  But c'mon, she's eating asparagus.  It's freaking cute.

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